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MB Solo Survey

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Thank you for participating.  Before we get started, please accept the terms of our user participation agreement.
Your name : 
Business name : 
* Which best describes your business?
Fitness business
Wellness/Integrative Health business
Salon/Beauty business
* What is your MINDBODY software level?
Solo ($30/month)
Grow ($60/mo)
Pro ($85/mo)
Accelerate ($165/mo)
I don't know
* Which version of MINDBODY Solo do you have?
MINDBODY Solo for Classes
MINDBODY Solo for Appointments
* What types of services do you offer at your business?
Arrivals (e.g. open gym)

* How long has your business been operating?
It's not open yet
Less than 6 months
6 months to one year
1 to 2 years
2 to 3 years
More than 3 years
How many staff members work at your business (including yourself)?
0 1 2 to 5 More than 5
* Full-time
* Part-time
Where do you offer your services?
Always Often Sometimes Rarely N/A
* At a facility that I own
* At a facility that I lease or rent
* In a space within a physical facility that I rent from someone else
* In my customers’ homes
* In my home
* At a public park, green space or other outside location
* Other
Please share more about your answers above.
* How many hours per week do you dedicate to your business?
* Do you have another job in addition to the business you manage with MINDBODY?
What is your other job? (Optional)
* Do you have a website for your business?
* Which service do you use for your business website?
I'm not sure
* In the past 6 months, have you worked with a small business consultant or service to get help with your business?
* What have you used this consultant or service for?
* What are the top 3 reasons that you chose MINDBODY Solo?
It's easy to set up
I wanted a mobile app to run my business on the go (MINDBODY Express)
Access to a network of consumers (MINDBODY Connect app)
I wanted to start with Solo to try it out
I wanted to grow my business
I wanted to save time
MINDBODY has a good reputation
It's affordable price
The mobile app for my customers to find, book & pay for my services (MINDBODY Connect app)

How often do you use the following? 
Daily 2 to 3 times a week Once a week Rarely (less than once a week) Never
* MINDBODY Express app on a tablet
* MINDBODY software on a phone through a web browser
* MINDBODY Express app on a phone
* MINDBODY software on a PC or Mac desktop or laptop computer
* MINDBODY software on a tablet through a web browser
How do your customers book classes or appointments at your business?
All of the time Most of the time Some of the time Rarely Never N/A
* My business website
* MINDBODY Connect app
* Calling
* Texting
* Email
* In person
* Another mobile app (Engage app, etc.)
* Before purchasing MINDBODY for your current business, had you used MINDBODY in the past?
Yes, I used it as a consumer
Yes, I used it as a staff member at another business
Yes, I used MINDBODY at this business previously, but stopped for a time

* How do you process credit card payments?
I don't accept credit cards
MINDBODY Payment Processing

* Why did you choose to process credit card payments this way?
* What challenges do you have with accepting credit cards?
MINDBODY offers several software levels, each with access to more features. (You can learn more about the levels on our website.) What is the likelihood that you will upgrade to another level in the next 6 months?
Very unlikely Somewhat unlikely Somewhat likely Very likely I don't know
* Grow ($60/month)
* Pro ($85/month)
* Accelerate ($135/month)
* What are the reasons for your answer(s) above?
* How likely are you to recommend MINDBODY to a friend or colleague?
«Very unlikelyVery likely»
Based on your experience, rate the following:
Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Strongly agree
* MINDBODY software is priced right.
* MINDBODY software is high quality.
* MINDBODY offers the technical support and customer service that I need.
* MINDBODY software has the right features for my business.
* MINDBODY software is easy to use.
* What's one thing MINDBODY could do to help your business more?
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