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Hello I am Vitalis Sewe, a student at Kenyatta University pursuing bachelor of Library and Information Science. I'm undertaking a research on Records Management Practices at KEMRI/CDC Kisumu as part of the requirement for the award of a bachelor degree at Kenyatta University. I'm requesting you to take part in this survey. Your participation is voluntary, no risks are associated with your participation and that there are no direct benefits by participating. Over 30 KEMRI/CDC staff (you included) are being distributed this questionnaire to seek their responses on various aspects of records management practices, questionnaire completion will take you 10-15 minutes to complete this questionnaire. Your responses will be kept confidential and the data generated will be reported only in the aggregate. If you have questions at any time about the survey, you may contact me Vitalis Sewe at 0733522119 or by email at [email protected]

I will appreciate your immediate response or within 1 week. I thank you for your time and support.

* In the branch or department or section you work in, do you have any of the following: records management (policy or procedures manual or standard operating procedure)?
Don't know
Does the records management (policy or procedures manual or standard operating procedure stated above) address the following aspects of records management?
Yes No Don't know Not applicable
Records management auditing?
Management of vital records?
Records classification and indexing systems?
Responsibility for records management?
Retention of records?
Authority for records management?
Management of electronic records?
Management of paper records?
Training of staff handling and managing records?
Disposal of records?
Preservation of records?
Records storage procedures?
Disaster management procedures?
Standards for ensuring records completeness?
What is the likely hood that records for the branch or department or section you work for may be affected by the following agents of records destruction at any one point in time?
Certainly Likely Rarely Unlikely
* Biological agents
* Chemicals
* Computer virus
* Dust
* Earthquake
* Electrical fault
* Extreme light
* Extreme temperatures
* Fire
* Loss
* Mishandling
* Theft
* Water
Have you undertaken the following measures in your branch or department or section in areas where records are managed to help minimize the risk and impact of disasters to records should it occur?
Yes No Don't Know Not Applicable
* Prohibit food items and cooking
* Employing trusted employees
* Enforce double lock policy
* Enforcement of emergency plan
* Enforcement of entry restriction
* Fumigation of records storage areas
* Installation of fire and smoke detectors
* Installed burglar proof doors
* Installing CCTV surveillance cameras
* Installing fire alarm gadgets
Yes No Don't Know Not Applicable
* Installing fire extinguishers
* Management of vital records
* Prohibit smoking
* Proper handling of records
* Proper records room key handling
* Records users training
* Security personnel
* Track records movements
* Use of fireproof cabinets
* Use records disaster preparedness plan
Does records management play any of the following roles within your branch or department or organization?
Yes No Don't know
* Classification and indexing of records
* Control records creation & maintenance
* Promote records management standards
* Promote records management policies
* Establish records filing systems
* Establish records retrieval systems
* Formulate records management policies
* Maintain confidentiality security of records
* Monitor and evaluate records management
* Perform appraisal and disposal of records
Yes No Don't know
* Plan and set goals for records management
* Plan for records disasters management
* Promotion of records management services
* Records management economy and efficiency
* Set records management standards
* Setting standards of and archiving records
* Training staff in records management
Do you consider any of the following as a threat to records management in your organization? (Tick as appropriate)
Yes No Don't Know
* Lack of compliance to policy requirements
* Lack of compliance to regulations
* Lack of funds to for use in records management issues
* Lack of integration of electronic and paper records management
* Lack of proper and adequate records storage facilities
* Lack of staff training in records management
* Low opinion on records management by staff
* Management not very supportive of records management
* Shortage of qualified records management staff
How long have you been working in your current position?
Please state your area(s) of specialization and you may give any comment regarding records management at KEMRI/CDC
Which KEMRI/CDC branch do you work for?
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